Security members won’t take it any longer

  • Published March 1, 2022

Last night over 100 security officers and HASAs came together to discuss the crisis in hospital security. Security officers and HASAs across NSW are facing increasing violence and stress – every day they are being injured, threatened, and harassed. This must stop.  

But the Ministry of Health and the Government are refusing to act. A review into security in hospitals – the Anderson Report – found that security officers need better equipment, training, and staffing to keep hospitals safe.  

This report was published two years ago. The Ministry and Government has done nothing.  

Union members have had enough. It’s time to for action. Members are now coming together to campaign for the rights to detain, restrain and search. At last night’s meeting four further resolutions were passed and accepted in conjunction with the previous two resolutions:  

  1. HSU members will always comply with the protecting people and property NSW Health policy. This policy requires a minimum five-person response, led by a clinician, for a code black or aggression response.
  2. HSU members will only participate in a code black or aggression response if members have received training mandated by NSW Health - the Violence, Prevention & Management of Aggression (PMVA).
  3. HSU members will only undertake companioning/specialling of patients that have been identified as posing a risk of violence and or aggression in the presence of an appropriate clinician. This is in line with NSW Health Policy, protecting people and property.
  4.  The HSU condemns the Mid North Coast LHD regarding treatment of security officer at Kempsey Hospital.

The HSU  has formally notified the Ministry of Health regarding the member resolution, you can view the formal communication here.

What’s next?  

Your Organiser will be in contact with security departments to arrange specific meetings within each Local Health District and speciality network to discuss the resolution in further detail – keep an eye out for future meeting invitations.