Scalabrini Roster Update: Did you have your hours cut?

Scalabrini recently rolled out new contracts to staff members. However, some staff members were not advised that their contracted hours had been reduced!

Scalabrini has also included new terms in the contract without discussing them with staff members.

HSU members have raised this issue with Scalabrini management and the union is disputing the roll out of these new contracts and reduction in hours. Scalabrini insists they are not aware of any employees who have had their contracted hours reduced as a result of this roster change.

Remember, HSU members have the right to not sign the new contract unless they agree with all the terms. Scalabrini cannot change the terms of the contract without your agreement.

To ensure that HSU is representing all affected members we are seeking responses to the following questions:

  1. Have you signed the new contract, and if so were you aware of the new contractual terms at clause 8.2 and 8.3?
  2. Have your contracted hours been reduced?

Please send your responses and feedback to your HSU representative Sebongile Mbele by email [E-Mail not displayed]. Alternatively, you can contact the HSU office on 1300 478 679.

Do you know someone who isn’t a member of the HSU? Share this email with them and make sure they’re part of the team fighting for our rights at work! New members can join at or call 1300 478 679.