Are your pay rates correct at Hawkesbury Living?

HSU members at Hawkesbury Living have reported that that some members’ base rate of pay appears to be below the relevant Award rate. If this is true, it could mean that you’ve been underpaid.

Below are the current pay rates in the Aged Care Award. Do you think your pay rate is correct?

(Note: your classification under your enterprise agreement may be different to the Award. HSU members are encouraged to contact the union if they need help understanding their correct pay rate.) 

We’ve written to management at Hawkesbury Living and asked for confirmation of current pay rates, also asking what their intentions are for bargaining. Your last enterprise agreement expired in 2014 and bargaining for a new one is now long overdue.

While we await a response, please contact your organiser Marion Jennings on 0427 081 887 or at [E-Mail not displayed] if you would like your pay rates checked.

Please also share this newsletter with your co-workers if they are not currently HSU members. The Union can only lodge a backpay claim, if eligible, for HSU members.

New members can join online at or by calling 1300 478 679.