RNSH: TAS feedback QR code for HealthShare

  • Published December 23, 2022

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The HSU requested that HealthShare at RNSH provide the opportunity for members to give feedback on the TAS (Task Allocation System).

HealthShare have provided the below QR code to give feedback on TAS.

Members that use the TAS are encouraged to submit feedback so that issues with the system can be addressed.

The process of QR feedback as below:

  1. Staff are required to use their personal mobile phones to scan the QR code to complete feedback.
  2. Upon scanning the QR code, it will direct them to sign into their Microsoft account, where staff need to sign in with their credential (staff ID and password). This will take them to the landing page forms.office.com where they can provide their valuable feedback on TAS.

Please contact your Organiser Kym Morgan if you have any questions or concerns at [E-Mail not displayed].

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New members can join at www.hsu.asn.au/join or call 1300 478 679.