RATs and your rights at Sylvanvale

  • Published March 23, 2022

The Health Services Union was recently contacted by members with concerns about doing rapid antigen tests at the workplace’s directive, but without being paid for it. 

Members from different Sylvanvale sites have notified your organiser, Emmett Gray, that workplaces may direct staff to arrive 15 minutes early for RAT testing but will not pay staff, or if staff arrive at their regular shift time, the 15 minutes it takes to test will be docked from their pay. Alternatively, there has also been reports of people being directed to take RAT tests home to do them before shifts.

Any work you are directed to do –RATs, training, donning and doffing – is paid work, even if you are asked to do it at home.

If you have experienced anything similar to this at your worksite, please contact organiser Emmett Gray on 0499 919 355 or at [E-Mail not displayed].

If you know of a workmate who is not a member, encourage them to join today. New members can join at www.hsu.asn.au/join or call 1300 478 679.