Public Health Award reform & pay rise updates

Dear Member, 
Last week your HSU Core Conditions Bargaining Team met with Ministry of Health representatives to continue negotiations to improve your Core Conditions.  
The Ministry of Health’s responded to questions about the state of NSW Health, particularly staffing levels, leave, and workplace health and safety. 
These are some of the key issues that came out of the meeting: 
- Over 10,000 workers have left NSW Health in the last 12 months. 
- In that same period $56 million was spent on workers compensation claims. 
- Other public sector agencies are entitled to 15 days sick leave each year. 
At this meeting the MoH was unable to provide a snapshot of the vacancies across NSW Health. That the number of vacant positions isn’t easily accessible says a lot. This shows why our claim for safe staffing to be included in our Awards is so important. 
In positive news MoH representatives gave ‘in principle’ support to our new award structures: 
- Core Conditions Award 
- Health Services Award 
- Medical Imaging and Radiation Award 
- Clinical Non Clinical Health Professionals Award 
- Scientific Award 
- Dental Award 
This new structure will mean the end of 37 plus awards and determinations covering the wages and conditions of HSU members. It also means that negotiations of the classification awards can commence shortly. 
Discussions about your 2024 wage increase continue. Earlier this month members voted to reject the Government’s wages offer. The Government has since improved the offer through 100% salary packaging this year.  
Union Council, your elected member leadership, met last week to consider the amended offer. Council believes that, despite this improvement, all HSU members should have a one-year Award. Locking Union members into a three-year Award may mean that pay-rises won’t keep up with the cost of living. The HSU will now seek to swiftly negotiate for a one-year Award for all HSU members.  
So what happens now? If the Government is unable to improve its offer the HSU will seek the assistance of the Industrial Relations Commission to arbitrate an outcome between the HSU and the MoH. While putting your 2024 wage increase in the control of the IRC comes with risks, so too is waiting for the Government to deliver a better wage offer. 
Do you know someone who isn’t an HSU member? Encourage them to join our Union today and have a say at work. We are always stronger when we stand together. 
New members can join at or call 1300 478 679.