PETPs fed up with NSWA's contradictions

  • Published August 2, 2023
  • Industries

Survey here

Despite months of hard work by members and delegates to retrieve information, NSWA Education is yet to clearly outline the pathway of Post Employment Tertiary Pathway (PETP) members.

PETPs are left wondering when they will progress to P1. NSWA has been unwilling to issue the Diploma in Emergency Health Care in a timely manner. This carries monetary penalties and disqualifies PETP students from the PIT process. These delays additionally carry university disadvantages. If PETP students were registered and practicing paramedics, they may be entitled to a cheaper and shorter uni degree due to credits possibly provided by the institutions to those registered with the Diploma.

The inconsistency of information given to the current cohort has caused significant confusion and distress.

Informally, NSWA has said “we’re going to fix this”. However, members say enough is enough. 

Members are requesting a formal answer to the following issues in writing. Such has not been provided since the beginning of the program.

P1 Progression

NSWA intends to hold PETP students back and prevent them from registering as a Paramedic until they complete the desired uni qualification. This could take upwards of 5 years. Members have called for the PETP cohort to be issued their Diploma of Emergency Health Care as per the traditional ambulance VET pathway.

This then at the completion of their Inservice 2 in year 3 would make them P1s.

University Enrolment

NSWA has said PETPs can be enrolled in any university. However, it appears to members that only UTas is supported.

PIT eligibility

Finally, the PETP cohort are not eligible for PIT until they become a P1. ADHSU delegates believe PETPs should be able to access PIT, along with being a P1 once they receive their diploma, as previously stated.

It is clear NSWA has been unable to make providing this information a priority, forcing members into a difficult position.

To prompt an answer from NSW Ambulance, action has been proposed. A 6-hour offroad study time from the start of shifts will be voted on by members.

Fill in the survey linked here to have your say.