Outcome of yesterday's stop work meeting - the fight continues

  • Published August 2, 2023
  • Industries

Members who attended yesterday's stop work meeting received a briefing on the results of the recent vote/survey concerning this year's pay offer. This pertains to members working under the Paramedic, Control Centre, and Operational Managers awards.

Just under 1600 members cast their votes. A significant 86.77% voted to reject the offer that would allow HSU-covered health workers (working in Ambulance, HealthShare, public hospitals, and community health) to receive 60% of salary packaging benefits. In addition, 62.05% voted against the 4% pay offer.

As paramedic members know well, the aforementioned offer isn't the crux of the matter – the main game is securing proper professional recognition. Fighting to increase the 4% could potentially distract from and delay this critical battle for professional recognition.

Members at the stop work meeting resolved to politely tell the NSW Government to ‘jam’ their salary packaging offer, and to ‘jam’ 4% until professional pay is addressed. In the meantime, the government will be told to stay away from the operational manager or paramedic and control centre officer awards altogether.

As a result of this decision, any pay rise will be deferred until the professional recognition campaign achieves its objectives.

Members also agreed to intensify activities in support of professional recognition. For a comprehensive list of actions, please refer to the Priority 1 Endorsed Actions page.

We're in the final stages of this campaign. If Mr. Minns doesn't fulfill his commitments to address professional recognition by October, ADHSU delegates will recommend that no ADHSU paramedic re-register on 1 December (a full vote will be held). Even an out-of-touch government will struggle to cope with the fallout of thousands of NSW paramedics suddenly becoming unregistered.