Peer Worker action this Big Wednesday

Peer Worker stop work zoom meeting 11am Wednesday 31 May, register here

Peer Work is approaching 25 years as a profession in Australia. Yet in NSW, Peer Workers are still not afforded the basic dignities of an Award which reflects the complexity of work performed, a classification structure, or employment framework.  

For the last 12 months, the HSU has advocated strongly for Award reform which will recognise Peer Workers with fair pay and an employment framework which will provide supervision, career progression, reasonable adjustments, and better employment opportunities.

Unfortunately, the Government is missing in action, shutting down consultation and refusing to engage with members’ concerns.

Peer Workers have had enough and are standing up with a strong collective voice.

On 31 May, the HSU is holding Big Wednesday. Members across the state will take actions to send a clear message to the Government that their pay offer of 3.5% is rejected and Award reform needs to start now.

25,000 other members will be action and Peer Workers will join the campaign! Your HSU Peer Worker Committee has endorsed a 1-hour stop work meeting at 11am this Wednesday to be held on zoom. Register your attendance here.

These actions are designed to ensure patient safety is not compromised at any stage. At this link is a flyer you can provide to members of the public to ensure they understand this.

Entitlement to take industrial action

It’s your right as an HSU member to participate in authorised industrial action, and it is illegal for any member to face victimisation for participating in trade union activities, including industrial action. Managers who target individual members may face Commission orders against them. If you have any concerns, please reach out for advice and support:

Phone: 1300 478 679
Email: [E-Mail not displayed]

Click this link for a flyer you can provide to your manager or colleague if they have any concerns about industrial action.

If the Ministry raises any concerns, they are entitled to take the HSU as an organisation to the Industrial Relations Commission to address those concerns. However, they cannot target individual workers participating in the action.

Remember, there is strength in numbers. While you may be one person in your profession, you are part of a collective of 25,000 individuals acting together to ensure we can continue serving our community effectively.

Local Peer delegates will act as support for members, please consult the table below for delegates who you can contact to seek advice and support in attending the stop work:

Non-members cannot take part in action and will be maintaining staffing levels.

Know someone who isn’t a member? It’s not too late to join to participate in this historic action. New members can join here: