Nuclear Medicine Technologists: Proposed classification structure and claims

HSU Nuclear Medicine Technology members came together on the evening of 24 July to discuss and finalise the proposed classification structure and claims for the Medical Imaging and Radiation Award.

It was fantastic to see HSU delegates able to demonstrate all their hard work and effort with a concrete and coherent modern structure for Nuclear Medicine members to review.

As resolved during the meeting, the next steps for members are as follows:

  • The amended document is to be shared with all HSU Nuclear Medicine members for review.
  • Components of the document highlighted blue will be redrafted.
  • Members are to provide feedback to their local HSU delegate or to the following email address no later than COB 31 July: [E-Mail not displayed]
  • Once final feedback is received and incorporated, HSU members will hold an endorsement vote with members from the other Medical Imaging and Radiation Award professions.

Link to the amended document (current as of 25 July).