NSW Government pushes forward with Health Royal Commission

View Gerard Hayes’ message to members here

The people of NSW have spoken and we have a new Premier – one with a mandate for change.

HSU members campaigned hard in the leadup to the NSW Election to secure commitments from the new Labor government:

  • Removing the wages cap so health workers can bargain for a real pay rise
  • Modernising Awards to bring your conditions into the 21st century
  • 100% salary packaging so the government can’t help itself to your tax savings
  • Extra staffing to stop workers burning out under unrealistic workloads

Most importantly, the new government is pressing forward with the HSU demand for a Royal Commission into Health spending.

The Union’s Reform Critical report showed the shocking state of NSW Health, including the waste and inefficiency in the system. We need change, and only a Royal Commission has the power to subpoena documents and compel testimony to uncover just where our health funding is going. Now Labor is moving on our demands to establish the Commission – but we can’t take our eyes off the ball.

Making sure the Royal Commission goes ahead with a proper remit for change, and keeping the government to its promises, will require all members to play their part. We are building a new health system from the ground up. Let’s make it count.

Know someone who isn’t a member? Talk to them about joining today. Care about what happens to your workmates? Consider signing up to become a delegate. We’ve already achieved tremendous things together – just imagine what more we can do.

It’s a new playing field, and our outcomes will be directly proportional to the effort we put in. We’ve got this.