Northern Beaches Hospital: make YOUR voice heard!

Dear Member,

Every day, members at Northern Beaches Hospital experience the challenges of working for a private provider that wants to make a profit by cutting costs and reducing staffing levels. At the same time, you’re trying to maintain the highest level of care for patients.

Recently, several media articles have started to question the viability of the Northern Beaches Hospital Public-Private Partnership (PPP) and whether the Northern Beaches community is getting access to the quality healthcare it deserves.

The NSW Government is also concerned about Northern Beaches Hospital, recently commissioning the Auditor General to review the running of the hospital.

This is not news to you or your colleagues.

It’s now time to speak out about your experiences and the challenges you face. Complete the survey here. All responses will remain confidential.

No one knows better than you what’s needed to run the hospital effectively, and where the shortfalls are. Have your say today to improve services for health workers and for the community.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Prue Irvine  – [E-Mail not displayed] or 0419 683 301.

Do you know someone who isn’t an HSU member? Encourage them to join our Union today and have a say at work. We are always stronger when we stand together.

New members can join at or call 1300 478 679.