Don’t let Lifeblood drag out bargaining any further – make your voice heard!

Dear Member,

Lifeblood workers voted no to management’s poor wage offer, which would have also hindered career progression. But Lifeblood says it’s taking the time to consider IF they’ll come back to the bargaining table.

Don’t let Lifeblood drag this out any longer! It’s time to tell Lifeblood it needs to come back to the bargaining table with an improved offer and respect its workers!

Members of your bargaining committee have voiced their concerns to Lifeblood, telling management it is time to come back to the bargaining table and listen to workers.

Get behind your bargaining committee members and send an email to tell Lifeblood it’s time it came back with an acceptable offer!

We’ve included a template email below and encourage you to include your personal reasons for voting NO and what you want to see on offer. Send to [E-Mail not displayed] and [E-Mail not displayed] and have your voice heard!

Dear Lifeblood executive,

We voted NO to your offer to retain transparency on career progression. We call on the Lifeblood bargaining team to resume good faith negotiations and listen to your workers! Reinstate our increments and redistribute the compensation in the form of a fair wage increase for all.

Meanwhile, great work to everyone who has responded to our recent survey about what steps you’re prepared to take to get Lifeblood back to the bargaining table. If you haven’t filled in the survey – do it today and share with your colleagues!

Do you know someone who isn’t an HSU member? Encourage them to join our Union today and have a say at work. We are always stronger when we stand together.

New members can join at or call 1300 478 679.