NNSWLHD Restructure and reporting line changes

Dear Member,

Northern NSW Local Health District (NNSWLHD) has advised the HSU of a proposed organisational restructure and reporting lines.

The proposed changes include:

  • Creation of an Executive Director of Medical Services and Clinical Governance role
  • Removal of the Allied Health and Integrated Care directorate and creation of a Planning, Partnerships and Allied Health directorate
  • Expansion of the Aboriginal Health Directorate to include a broader range of responsibilities and will be renamed as Aboriginal Health and Community Wellbeing.

You can view the correspondence at the below links:

 What do you think?

It is important for union members to lead this discussion. How will this affect you?

Please send your feedback to [E-Mail not displayed] by 9 September with the subject NNSWLHD Restructure and Reporting Line Changes.

Your union at work

Everyone affected by these changes needs to be a union member. Members deserve to have control over their working lives.

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