Montefiore Maroubra Shores Closure

On Wednesday this week, Montefiore announced that they will be closing their Maroubra Shores aged care facility.

This was surprising news, and we understand that members at Montefiore Maroubra Shores are feeling shocked and anxious following the announcement.

HSU official, Andrew Tran attended the meeting to represent members, and we will continue to support all HSU members throughout this process. It’s important that you are properly consulted with, and the HSU is here to assist members and make sure that that Montefiore follow all their obligations and pay everyone their appropriate entitlements.

As you know, we do not have yet any clear dates on the next steps. However, individual consultation meetings can be held with your employer on your request until the end of next week, to discuss possible options for you at the time of closure. Please be aware that all your current conditions such as contracted hours should be maintained, unless you agree otherwise.

Please contact your local Organiser, Hyojung Kim at [E-Mail not displayed] if you need representation at the meeting or if you have questions. While this is a stressful time, your union will be there to ensure your rights and entitlements are protected throughout the whole process.

Only HSU Members will be supported throughout the process, so now is the time to encourage your colleagues to join the HSU. New members can join at or call 1300 478 679.