HSU to launch major report on NSW Health funding

Message from Gerard Hayes here

The situation in NSW Health is dire. Despite the many pats on the back that HSU members have received over the last few years, it hasn’t translated to real action in terms of recognition for the work you do, the staffing pressures you’re experiencing, or the wages you take home.

But the NSW Health budget is a massive $33 billion – a third of the state budget. So where is the money going?

This Sunday, I will stand alongside HSU members as we launch the Reform Critical report into the state of NSW Health. The HSU has commissioned this important and wide-ranging report into precisely where the gaps, rorts, and inequalities lie in our health system. The picture it paints is a grim but necessary one.

It doesn’t have to be this way. The HSU is calling for a Royal Commission into NSW Health. Only a Royal Commission can get to the root of the problem and ensure money goes where it needs to: health workers and patients.

I strongly urge you to read the report once it’s released. The state election is in now in less than 43 days, and it’s absolutely vital that we keep the pressure on to Fix NSW Health once and for all.