Members gear up to fight the gendered pay gap in the Paramedic Award

  • Published August 12, 2024
  • Industries


ADHSU delegates and members are organising to fight NSWA’s persistent, gendered wage theft that is by no means consistent within the NSW Ambulance Paramedics (State) Award 2023

Excerpt from the Award: “Movements between all increments within a band of a classification level apply automatically after 12 months.”

Clear and simple right? Apparently not if you’re NSWA or the Ministry of Health.  

NSWA are blatantly misinterpreting the Award in a way that is unjust for those working part time. Instead of invoking yearly pay rises on members’ anniversary dates, workers must complete a years-equivalent worth of full-time hours. This drastically slows the rate at which part time workers receive the pay rises they are entitled to. 

This disproportionately affects women, who are far more likely to have broader caring responsibilities and thus be on flexible work arrangements or work part time. 

Members are calling this exactly what it is – wage theft that perpetuates the gendered wage gap. It’s wage theft because a P1 paramedic must be 100% competent in all P1 skills at YEAR 1. A Year 1 P1 and Year 6 P1 hold the same legal responsibility to be clinically competent.  

So far, delegates and affected members have met with NSWA and the Ministry of Health to dispute this pay progression policy. While delegates are awaiting a position from the Ministry, NSWA have stuck by their obviously misguided interpretation of the Award and continue to underpay many part-time workers. 

Members are gearing up to fight. We know this is an issue of equality and equity that must be rectified. 

Delegates have published a survey for members to complete regarding action to take. Complete the survey here

Stay tuned for further information and action. In the meantime, talk to fellow ADHSU members and make sure they are aware of this issue and complete the survey.