Medical Physics Award Reform: Important members meeting

: Tuesday 18 June 2024
Time: 12:30-1:00PM
Where: Zoom registration details below

The current Award structure for Medical Physicists has not changed in over 16 years. As the profession advances, changes and becomes more complex, the conditions Medical Physicists are working under have remained stagnant. Now is the time to change this!

The proposed HSU Medical Imaging and Radiation Award will cover medical physicists and medical radiation scientists, with each group retaining profession-specific pay and classifications.

HSU Medical Physics delegates are calling a meeting for all NSW Health Medical Physics staff. This meeting will explain the proposed changes to definitions, grading, CPD, work hours and other items. HSU Delegates are also seeking member input as to whether these claims can be endorsed and finalised for negotiations.

In advance of the meeting, please complete the Zoom registration at this link:

Once you have registered, you will automatically receive a Zoom link at which to attend the meeting. This meeting is open both to HSU members and to non-members. You’re encouraged to invite any medical physics colleagues to fill out the registration above so they can also join us at the meeting.

To win award reform, we have to build grassroots bargaining power from the membership. Your colleagues can join the HSU at or call 1300 478 679.