Manning Base, John Hunter Hospital say HANDS OFF OUR CAFETERIA!

This week, HSU members came together to express their concerns about HealthShare’s decision to close retail outlets at four major hospitals, including Manning Base and John Hunter. They’ve got a clear message for management: Hands off our cafeteria!

Members have major concerns about what these closures will mean – not just for them, but for the wider community. There are very limited retail options and workers would also lose the main spot they can use to take breaks.

Members believe HealthShare management don’t really grasp the wider impacts of this proposal.

After discussions, members at Manning Base and JHH endorsed the following resolutions unanimously:

  • We call upon HealthShare to immediately reverse its decision to close retail outlets at Manning Base Hospital and John Hunter Hospital.
  • We call on the CEO of HealthShare to meet with union members to discuss this proposal, to understand the significance of these retail outlets for health workers and the community.
  • We call upon HealthShare management to immediately replace all faulty equipment in existing retail outlets.
  • We will launch petitions to the HealthShare executive and Local Health District management calling for the HealthShare retail outlets to remain open.
  • We call upon local state MPs to meet with a delegation of members to discuss and assist in lobbying HealthShare to reverse its decision

Members at Manning Base have additionally resolved the below:

  • Formally write to and call upon the Manning Great Lakes Community Action Group to meet with a delegation of members to discuss and support our endeavours.

Next week, HSU organisers will be back to talk to members and non-members about the proposal and next steps.

It’s vital to talk to your colleagues about this issue. We’re only going to be able to push back if everyone works together. Share the petition at this link – staff, patients, visitors and volunteers can all complete it.

What’s next?

The HSU has already informed HealthShare of the resolutions outlined above and provided seven days to respond. HealthShare have acknowledged receipt of the resolutions and will respond next week. We are also currently in the process of drawing up the petitions hoping to launch these over the coming weeks.

This is great work by HSU members at Manning Base and JHH, and it shows what happens when members come together! If you’re not already an HSU member – now is the time to get engaged and join!

New members can join at or call 1300 478 679.