Lived Experience (Peer) Workers Award Reform: Important Member Meeting


DATE: Tuesday 2 July 2024
TIME: 12:30 – 1:30 PM
WHERE: Zoom, registration link here

For too long, Lived Experience (Peer) Workers in NSW have laboured in the shadows, their invaluable contributions unrecognised and unappreciated. Despite providing hope and support to people accessing mental health services for over two decades, workers have operated without the backing of an adequate award. Now is the time for change and to demand the respect and recognition the profession deserves.

The HSU Lived Experience (Peer) Workforce committee is calling a meeting for all NSW Health Peer Worker staff. Download the flyer here.

The Committee has been tirelessly advocating for these changes and needs your support now more than ever. Together the Committee has drafted important demands for the profession, but these goals cannot be achieved without your voice.

Join the Committee for an online meeting that will explain the Lived Experience (Peer) workers profession’s claims and contributions to award reform.

Once you have registered, you will automatically receive a Zoom link at which to attend the meeting. This meeting is open both to HSU members and to non-members. You’re encouraged to invite any Lived Experience (Peer) workers colleagues to fill out the registration above so they can also join us at the meeting.

Join us in building our strength as a workforce in our fight for award reform. Your colleagues can join the HSU at or call 1300 478 679.