Is this the end for Wallsend?

The HSU has received correspondence from HNELHD outlining the intention to ‘consolidate’ the floors of the Aged Care building, giving 70% reduced bed occupancy and safety concerns for the reason.

But the question needs to be asked: Why is the facility running at a reduction of 70% bed occupancy? Will these unoccupied beds ever be occupied again?

The HSU sub branch executive has called a urgent members meeting on Tuesday 27 June at 1pm in the Aged Care Courtyard for all members on campus to attend. 

In the meantime, we would like to hear from you. Please send feedback to [E-Mail not displayed] using subject line Wallsend Aged Care Consolidation

We look forward to seeing as many members as possible attend the meeting on Tuesday where we will be discussing and considering the correspondence and what this means.