IRC 'recommends' station-based maintenance of rosters

  • Published May 13, 2021
  • Industries

After years of disputation in and out of the Commission, the IRC finally made a fresh recommendation that, if followed, will go some of the way to fixing the massive work intensity problems on the road (and in control).

ADHSU’s preferred recommendation, which goes to station-based roster maintenance, was accepted by the APA and the IRC. NSWA seemed upset with that outcome. Check out our submissions here. In particular paragraph 21: ‘HSU’s recommendation is clear and unambiguous, that is, all station based funded rosters are to be filled each shift’.

While this all sounds promising, ADHSU is not going to declare victory just yet. Firstly, the recommendation has yet to be published. Second, NSWA has been wilfully ignoring recommendations that do not go their way of late. Thirdly, ADHSU is attending a meeting with the employer on Monday to discuss the recommendation, and how we believe it should be implemented – NSWA may inform us that they are rejecting the recommendation and want to move to arbitration.

We expect the following to occur if the Recommendation is followed to the letter:

  1. All station/centre/sector office rosters in Clinical Operations are to be maintained on a daily basis (this includes DOMs).
  2. The method of filling rosters can vary; however, they must be filled, including with overtime staff.
  3. If there is an extra crew available at a station less than an hour’s commute away, it can be moved across to a station below its roster outputs (e.g., if Liverpool is up one, and Campbelltown down, the Liverpool crew can be moved to Campbelltown for the shift, provided it’s safe to do so). 

We will report the outcome of the maintenance of rosters meeting on Monday. 

We will be updating members on our pay claim tomorrow (Friday).

Link to submissions: