Inala Underpayments Update

Inala has provided an update to the HSU regarding underpayments, please see below:

  1. Notification letters have been issued to affected staff members which detail amounts due to be backpaid, including superannuation and interest.
  2. Staff have been asked to confirm receipt of the letter and are being given the option to meet in person with management of Inala to discuss the contents of the letter, including bringing a representative with them to the meeting.
  3. Payroll has scheduled an additional pay run for the purpose of backpay on 12 July 2024 for current staff members.
  4. Former staff members of Inala who are impacted by the underpayment are being individually contacted by a representative of Inala to obtain updated contact information and bank account details. Once these details have been confirmed, payroll will proceed to pay the backpay, interest and superannuation in full to these former employees, noting that this may be paid at a later date than for current employees.
  5. Inala has self-reported the underpayment to the Fair Work Ombudsman.

Importantly, staff have the option to meet with management to discuss the details of their underpayment. These individual meetings are an opportunity to ask Inala how they have calculated your underpayment, or to ask which of the underpayments listed on the fact sheet apply to you. You can bring your HSU representatives with you to any meetings, so please contact your organiser Emmett Gray at 0499 919 355 or at [E-Mail not displayed]. Alternatively, you can also contact the HSU head office at 1300 478 679.

Do you know someone who isn’t a member of the HSU? Send them this email and make sure they are represented. Being a member of the HSU means there’s always someone by your side, fighting for your rights. New members can join online at or call 1300 478 679 and join over the phone.