Important update: HealthShare MoU voted up

After HealthShare announced its intention to take over management of shared services in Western Sydney Local Health District, HSU members raised concerns.

Members swiftly took action, questioning HealthShare’s motivations. They voiced strong opposition to any plans that could jeopardise jobs or reduce staffing levels. Members made it clear that cost-cutting at the expense of our workforce would not be accepted.

Negotiation success: a Memorandum of Understanding

After several weeks of intense negotiations, HealthShare agreed to several key protections for HSU members, which have now been formalised in a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

This MoU represents the strongest protections for working conditions anywhere across NSW Health, giving HSU members significant security as they prepare for the transition.

What protections are included in the MoU?

The MoU outlines a number of critical provisions, including:

  1. Stronger protections around workplace change: Changes to rosters and work practices must be agreed upon between HSU and HealthShare.
  2. Right to review and agree on safe staffing levels: Members now have a voice in determining what constitutes safe staffing levels in their departments.
  3. Workload review rights: If you feel your workload is unreasonable, you have the right to request an official workload review.
  4. Limited use of contractors: Contractors will only be employed in exceptional circumstances, reducing the risk of jobs being outsourced.
  5. Backfill clause for roster vacancies: HealthShare is committed to ensuring roster vacancies are backfilled, maintaining staffing levels during absences.
  6. Preference for permanent employment: Permanent positions will be prioritised over casual or temporary employment, providing greater job security.
  7. Enforceable rights: All the rights and protections in this MoU are enforceable through arbitration with the Industrial Relations Commission, giving our members the power to hold HealthShare accountable.

Member endorsement of the MoU

HSU members met across five impacted hospitals this week to discuss HealthShare's offer. After thorough discussions and consideration, a majority of members voted in favour of endorsing the MoU, agreeing to the transfer to HealthShare under these conditions.

While this was not an easy decision, members believe this MoU provides the strongest protection possible under the circumstances. Moving forward, members will be closely monitoring HealthShare to ensure they uphold every aspect of the agreement.

This change will affect cleaners, waste management, stores, and several Patient Support Assistants (PSAs).

Next Steps: Transition begins at Westmead Hospital

Starting Monday 23 September, letters will be issued to affected members at Westmead Hospital as the first stage of the transition to HealthShare management. Changes in other hospitals across the LHD will be rolled out over the coming months. There will be no changes in terms or conditions.

Stay Vigilant, Stay United

It’s crucial for all members to stay informed and united. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your local HSU delegate or contact the HSU office directly. Members will continue to fight for their rights and ensure that this transition happens on our terms.