ICPs not being back filled: NSW Ambulance executives protect bonuses over patient care

  • Published March 2, 2022
  • Industries

NSW executives seem to spend more time staring at spreadsheets, and their potential yearly bonus, than caring about the actual health outcomes for the community.

Over the last few weeks, Intensive Care Paramedics who are highly trained pre-hospital professionals, have been denied the opportunity to maintain their funded rosters across Metropolitan Sydney. Shortfalls in rosters have not been backfilled, leaving vast areas of Sydney without the highest level of care available.

NSWA is often deciding not to replace injured or sick ICPs, which can only be seen as a cost saving exercise. ICPs can provide a range of interventions that not only save lives, including for paediatrics, but also reduce suffering through advance pain relief. 

The community is funding at least 84 ICPs each 24 hour period in metro, and they rightfully expect the ambulance executives in charge of NSWA to deliver a return on that investment.

ADHSU delegates are currently escalating this issue to the political level. If there is no change in the next few days, we will call stop work meetings to discuss the most effective form of action to ensure all funded rosters are maintained.