HSU members said NO to Laverty's subpar offer! Now we resume negotiations

Laverty employees have rejected Laverty’s subpar proposal for an enterprise agreement. Congratulations on this union win!

We resume bargaining on Tuesday 17 January, when we hope to receive an improved offer from Laverty. Based on members’ feedback, we will push for a higher wage increase to be backpaid to July 2022, as well as a quick resolution to these negotiations.

In the meantime, the Laverty EBA campaign has gone live on social media! Click here to see our latest post and make sure to like, comment and share.

You can also get in touch with some of your colleagues on the HSU Committee directly:

  1. Laura Benham, Phlebotomist and Home Visits Collector: [E-Mail not displayed]
  2. Alex Michaels, Relief Scientist: [E-Mail not displayed]
  3. Johann Hariman, Bargaining Officer: [E-Mail not displayed].

The greater our numbers, the more we can win! If you have colleagues who aren’t members yet, please sign them up now at www.hsu.asn.au/join or call 1300 HSU NSW.