HSU members deliver 10,000 signatures to federal government: don't delay our pay!

Today HSU members delivered a petition with over 10,000 signatures to the aged care minister at Parliament House in Canberra, demanding that the federal government pay increases to workers now instead of splitting them over the next two years.

In March, members won historic pay increases of between 7 and 28 per cent as part of the HSU’s Aged Care Work Value Case. The Fair Work Commission recognised that aged care workers were undervalued and ordered that you should receive increases to recognise the importance of your work, and to improve attraction and retention in the sector.

But the government has dragged its feet on implementing these much-needed increases. They want to split the increase in two, with half to arrive in January 2025 and the other half in January 2026.

HSU members are telling the government we can’t wait that long. In an incredible effort, members collected over 10,000 signatures in just over a month. That’s a remarkable show of solidarity!

HSU aged care members have demonstrated just how powerful we are when we raise our voices. We’re going to continue to fight for the full pay increase now – let’s do it together!