HSU members at Charingfield stand up against underpayment!

Dear Member, 

HSU members at Apollo Care Charingfield are fighting underpayment, telling management “enough is enough”.

If an aged care worker with a Cert III qualification uses the skills and knowledge gained from that qualification in the performance of their work, they should be classified as an Aged Care Employee Level 4.

As per the Aged Care Award, the base pay of a ACE level 4 direct care worker is $31.24 per hour from the first full pay period after 1 July 2024, thanks to the 3.75% Award minimum wage increase this year.

However, HSU members at Charingfield discovered some workers eligible for ACE level 4 for pay purposes were only receiving $30.85 an hour.

 HSU members contacted management demanding the situation be rectified and are now awaiting an update.

It’s not the first time members at Charingfield stood together! Last year members came together and won backpay after they discovered they weren’t receiving the new minimum wage.

These sorts of wins only happen when members work together, grow the union and back each other!

If you think that you are not getting the correct wages, contact your local delegate or HSU organiser Hyojung [E-Mail not displayed] now.