HealthShare Wagga – HSU delegates fighting for your rights!

Dear Member,

Your HSU delegates are taking the fight to HealthShare Wagga Wagga on a range of issues we know are important to you!

Here’s a brief wrap up of what HSU delegates are up to.

Rosters Dispute

Your HSU delegates have commenced a dispute with HealthShare to address a range of rostering issues, including inaccurate online rosters and workers not being consulted about late changes to rosters.

Your delegates will be meeting with HealthShare soon to make sure the rosters are accurate and are only changed after publication in cases of emergency, in line with the Rostering Resource Manual.

AWOL (Absent without Leave)

Your delegates have recently discovered HealthShare has deemed workers AWOL, even after workers had notified management they were on sick, carer or FACS leave.

So far, HealthShare has not been forthcoming with on how it judged workers AWOL. Delegates are now taking action to stop this practice and will keep members updated.

Pharmacy Certificates

HealthShare MLHD has refused to accept pharmacy certificates from workers on sick leave, despite HSU delegates repeatedly telling the company it must accept them.

Your HSU delegates know how hard and expensive it can be to see a doctor in Wagga and fear HealthShare is refusing pharmacy certificates to force workers to come to work when sick.

Your delegates have put this matter into dispute, and it is now with senior HealthShare officials.

Want to be part of these union wins? Join the HSU today if you’re not already, encourage your workmates to join and talk to your local delegate or organiser about getting involved!

Encourage your workmates to join the HSU. Together you have strength in your workplace. New members can join online at or call 1300 478 679.