Health Professionals briefing Tuesday 6pm

Health Professionals meeting, 6pm, 30 May 2023 - Register here

It has been decades since our Awards for Health Professionals have been updated. It has been years since we received a fair and reasonable pay offer. Currently, we continue to work understaffed – at breaking point – with 12,000 vacancies across the state.  

Burn-out, lack of career progression and overwork are sending talented health professionals interstate or private practice – the sustainability of the public sector is at stake.

The system is broken. This Government was elected to fix it, but all we see is more of the same. This week an offer of 3.5% has come forward, not through negotiations, through the media – and no scope for Award reform.

In the last year, Health Professionals have done the hard but fantastic work to develop member-led propositions for Award change which can stem the loss of talented staff, ensure career progression, and rebuild our Health Professional workforce.

Under the Government’s offer, these efforts will be redundant.

Health Workers are saying enough is enough and have endorsed mass action to send the government a message. Join 25,000 members on Big Wednesday, to send a clear message to the Government – Keep your promises to health workers.

On Tuesday evening, the HSU Allied Health Division will hold a Big Wednesday briefing for all HSU Health Professional members on the day.

Health Professionals meeting, 6pm, 30 May 2023. Register here.

If you are not a member, it is not too late to join so you can participate in this historic day. Please use the following link to become a member: