Action this Wednesday - fight broken promises

This Wednesday health workers across NSW are taking action to demand a fair pay-rise, ending the steal of salary sacrificing benefits, and Award reform. Will you join this action?

HSU members have worked harder than ever before to keep a damaged health system running during the COVID-19 pandemic.

But health workers have not been rewarded for this work. So now we are standing together to demand a better future, for health workers, patients and the community.

The cost of living has skyrocketed. Everything is going up, except your wages.

When the current NSW Labor Government made promises to provide relief – by removing the unfair wages cap, returning 100% of salary packaging tax savings to workers, and pushing forward with award reform – it was music to our ears. Finally, someone was listening.

But the Government is now trying to walk away from its commitments to HSU members. Instead of a decent increase to offset cost of living, Premier Chris Minns is now considering a 3.5% offer plus 0.5% super. It’s a slap in the face to hardworking health workers.

The Government thinks it can ignore health workers. But they reckoned without HSU members. We’ve stood up against unfair policies before, and we will do it again.

This Wednesday 31 May, HSU members around the state will be taking action to demand an urgent cost of living pay increase. This Government can’t ignore health workers any longer.

Will you take part? Join this state-wide action, register here: