Have your say on your return-to-work experience

Dear Member,

It’s vital you’re fully supported in your transition back to work after a workplace injury and know your rights as part of the process.

Recently, several HSU members have raised serious concerns about the return-to-work process, including around the way workers’ compensation was being managed by HealthShare.

It’s important HSU members who are undergoing or have completed the return-to-work process have their say and inform this process to ensure it works!

Please complete this short survey and have your say:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/WSJ92BY 

Your responses will be kept confidential and will be only seen by the HSU.

You can remain anonymous if you wish but putting your name to the survey will allow your union to better build a stronger case when it comes to enforcement.

This survey aims to:

  • Understand your worker's compensation and return to work experience
  • Identify areas for improvement for Healthshare 
  • Use your experience to ensure others can have an improved worker's compensation journey

This is your chance to help advocate for better workplace support and resources! Together, we can improve your return-to-work experience.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact HSU organiser [E-Mail not displayed]