Griffith Base Hospital: Lack of consultation

Dear Member,

During recent consultation meetings between your HSU representatives and Murrumbidgee Local Health District it became clear management is not committed to genuine consultation and has already made up its mind regarding the build of the new Griffith Base Hospital.

HSU members have repeatedly asked for staffing figures for Griffith Base Hospital but so far MLHD has refused to share this information.

Subsequently a special group was set up to consult over the staffing requirements for the new hospital – however HSU members were only given three hours’ notice to attend.

The HSU was then informed that staff requirements for go live had already been submitted to NSW Ministry of Health for approval.

Members were shocked to discover the new hospital’s staffing requirement would only include 9.5 FTE, when initial projections called for 70 FTE.

MLHD are not genuinely consulting with workers! Workers are already at breaking point and it’s obvious MLHD is not listening and refusing to genuinely consult.

After HSU members raised these concerns, the HSU disputed part of the build through Work Health and Safety and further disputes may be raised.

If you have any information of feedback on the process, contact your organiser: [E-Mail not displayed] or call 0488 133 953. 

Do you know someone who isn’t an HSU member? Encourage them to join our Union today and have a say at work. We are always stronger when we stand together.

 New members can join at or call 1300 478 679.