Core Conditions Bargaining Update

Earlier this year, HSU members endorsed thirteen key demands to improve conditions for all Health Workers.  

On Friday, your HSU elected bargaining representatives met with the Ministry of Health to continue negotiations for the implementation of these thirteen claims.  

Your HSU elected bargaining representatives explained in detail the stories, challenges and frustrations members experience every day in a broken system. The Ministry heard about the understaffing of crucial frontline services and the associated burnout causing staff to leave for other states, employers or careers.  

Unfortunately, the Ministry had a singular and consistent response – there is no money, the government can’t afford it.  

This is not good enough. If money can be found to build shiny new hospital facilities or equipment, then money can be found to hire the staff to fill these new buildings and operate the equipment.  

The next bargaining meeting is Thursday August 15, your HSU elected bargaining reps will continue to press the Ministry for genuine and real engagement to fix the staffing crises. You can view a video update from bargaining reps here.

The Ministry is fully aware that HSU members have rejected the State Government pay offer, and the HSU will be back in the Industrial Relations Commission on August 14 to further these discussions.  

What we know is that to win genuine reform to the health system will require HSU members coming together as a united front to tell the Ministry and the Government that there is no time to wait. For the benefit of the patients and communities that rely on us, we need change, and we need it now! 

Keep an eye out for an update after next Thursday’s meeting.