Closure of Mercy Aged Care Service Singleton

Dear Member,

As you may be aware, Mercy Aged Care recently announced its decision to close its Singleton aged care facility. 

Understandably, HSU members at Mercy Aged Care are feeling shocked and anxious following the announcement. It’s vital members are properly consulted throughout the entire process and that Mercy meets all of its employer obligations and pays out all entitlements to workers.

If you have any concerns around your entitlements or feel you have not been properly consulted, it’s important you speak with your HSU organiser Karen Wiles [E-Mail not displayed] ASAP!

While Mercy Community has not provided a timeline for the closure or further information about next steps, it will conduct individual consultation this week. Contact Karen or your delegate if you need representation during these meetings or need further advice.

Please be aware that all your current conditions of employment, such as contracted hours, should be maintained unless you agree or request otherwise.

Encourage your workmates to join the HSU. Together you have strength in your workplace. New members can join online at or call 1300 478 679.