Check your payslip!

Because of the HSU’s Work Value Case, driven by HSU members, the Fair Work Commission recently made an interim decision to increase direct care workers’ wages by 15%. This is an amazing achievement and the biggest single increase ever in the industry. However, we need to continue to fight for the full 25% for all aged care workers.

The interim decision means many aged care workers will see an increase in take-home pay especially if you work in direct care, home care, activities/lifestyle or are the head cook. The Fair Work Commission’s recent minimum wage decision also saw an increase of 5.75% to all awards.

The increased dollar amount will depend on your current position title and your current rate of pay. Your employer should have already provided you with written notice and information about the new pay rates.

Sadly, despite this some employers have not yet passed on these increases.

If you haven’t yet seen an increase, query it with your employer and encourage your workmates to do the same. You deserve to know why your employer has not processed the payments.

If you still have questions or concerns, please contact your local organiser Karen Wiles on [E-Mail not displayed] for assistance.

Know someone who isn’t a member? Encourage them to join today. Only union members can receive HSU support.

New members can join at or by calling 1300 478 679.