Carrington Care: COVID close contact update

Following inquiries from union members, the HSU recently confirmed members’ entitlements in the event that you are stood down by Carrington for being a COVID close contact. A copy of that correspondence sent to HSU members on 5 June is available here.  

The HSU has followed this matter up with Carrington and requested that management identify any staff who had their annual leave or long service leave incorrectly deducted in the above circumstances, and that Carrington recredit that leave to affected staff.

Carrington have now confirmed that the leave balances of affected staff will be reconciled by payroll.  Affected staff will receive communication from Carrington, and payroll said that they hope to have everything processed by the next pay run in the first week of July.

What does this mean for you?

Members who had to use annual leave or long service when they were COVID close contacts and were directed to stay away from work should have that leave re-credited. 

Members who had to take leave without pay when they were COVID close contacts and were directed to stay away from work should receive payment for the shifts they were unable to work.

If you have any further queries, please get in touch with your HSU Organiser Josie Peacock via [E-Mail not displayed] or 0419 264 060

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