Arcare: Time to have your say on your new enterprise agreement

Dear Member,

Bargaining for a new enterprise agreement is now underway at Arcare and it’s vital HSU members have their say on their rates of pay and working conditions.

HAVE YOUR SAY on what the top priorities for the new agreement should be HERE.

What is an enterprise agreement and what is bargaining?

Your enterprise agreement sets out your pay and conditions at work. It governs all your entitlements, including access to leave, your rostering arrangements, when Arcare must consult with you, and of course your pay increase!

Your HSU bargaining team is made up of HSU delegates who work at Arcare and is supported by the union’s industrial officers.

If you’re a HSU member, you’ll be represented by the HSU bargaining team. If you’re not an HSU member yet - join now to support our campaign for better pay and conditions at Arcare. 

Our log of claims at Arcare 

HSU delegates from across NSW, ACT and Queensland set key priorities for the Aged Care sector, at our annual conference this year. These priorities focus on: 

  • Fair Pay At Work
  • A More Democratic Workplace
  • A Safer Workplace
  • Supporting Career Development 

View our sector priorities here. 

Together, these will form our log of claims for the new enterprise agreement at Arcare. 

We will update all HSU members as the negotiations progresses. If your colleagues are not yet HSU members, encourage them to join today at and have their say in the union log of claims.