ACT Belconnen and Tuggeranong: CHC Duress Alarm Update

  • Published January 30, 2023

An audit of BCHC and TCHC duress button and activation features was completed by Digital Solutions on Monday 23/01/23.

The results indicate that some duress buttons are not working or not fully functional. The majority of the issues are linked to a limited number of wireless duress buttons which are unique to BCHC and TCHC.  Note - there is no indication that these issues exist in GCHC, WCHC or DHC as these locations have no wireless duress buttons.

The following initial actions are being taken to address the identified duress issues and strengthen risk controls at BCHC and TCHC:

  • One security officer will be located at BCHC and one at TCHC during business hours until further notice i.e. Monday to Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm. Efforts have been made to organise this ASAP, however the earliest expected start for these security officers is this Friday 27/01/23. An update will be provided when the start date is confirmed.
  • Colour coded stickers are being installed to assist staff in identifying the current status of duress buttons.  BCHC is complete, TCHC will be completed by 25/01/23.
  • Urgent action is being taken to determine appropriate duress systems repairs/upgrades moving forward to address the identified duress issues.  This is being led Digital Solutions, ACT Health Directorate.

You can view the document received by the HSU from Canberra Health Services with the BCHC & TCHC Duress Faults and Instructions here.

Please review the attachment and provide any feedback or concerns to [E-Mail not displayed] with the subject headline CHC Duress Alarm feedback.

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