Support ACL workers

IMG 0113

Australian Clinical Labs (ACL) is a major provider of pathology services, a vital step in diagnosis and treatment for community members.

Staff work hard to ensure patients have a comfortable experience and receive their pathology results quickly. During the pandemic, these workers put their patients first to deliver for the community. But unfortunately, ACL doesn’t appear to value their staff as much as their patients do.

Union members at ACL have been trying to negotiate a fair enterprise agreement with management for improved wages and conditions, more than the absolute legal minimum. Instead, management met their requests with threats and intimidation.

Union members want:

  • The chance to bargain in good faith for improvements to pay and conditions
  • The freedom to speak to their union representatives without fear of repercussions
  • The ability to raise safety concerns without being targeted.

You can help. Send a message to the ACL board below to support pathology workers.

Send a message to the ACL Board

To the ACL Board,

COVID proved just how important pathology workers are to our health system.

I want to express my support for your staff who perform a complex and difficult job.

ACL employees should be free to speak to their union representatives and raise safety concerns without threat of punishment.

I request that the Board immediately investigate instances of management unfairly targeting union members and act accordingly to ensure this conduct ceases.