Private Sector Ambulance Members - Fighting for better Conditions
Published June 1, 2020
The Ambulance Division of the HSU has a growing and active membership within the private sector of Patient Transport Services. We have some amazing HSU activists and members within the private sector that hold the same values as every other Ambulance Division member.
A Registered Paramedic and ADHSU activist said about working in the private sector: “We continue to face poor working conditions and a ‘save every dollar, regardless of patient experience’ attitude. Membership with HSU gives us the assurance that we can address these issues and are supported in these situations which empowers me and my colleagues to focus on best practice patient care.”
ADHSU members will continue to fight for best practice patient care and better working conditions within the private sector to ensure that the community of NSW get the best possible healthcare outcomes. Our members in National Patient Transport have recently set up a committee of members to discuss and fight for better conditions. Members have been and will continue to fight for better training, education, and equipment to ensure they are providing the best possible care for patients. For members within the private sector that want to get involved in the fight for better conditions, please get in contact with HSU and together we can fight for a better patient transport industry in NSW.