HSU Health Professionals Day on the way!

  • Published September 1, 2020

Your HSU Public Health team has been doing considerable work to make sure all health workers are recognised and appreciated for the work they do – not just a select few.

So far, a number of classifications have enjoyed special celebrations to highlight the importance of their work, including cleaners and food services workers. While COVID-19 has interfered with the HSU’s planned program of events, we want to make sure that all classifications get their time in the sun – extending the schedule well into 2021. The next recognition day on the calendar is a very important one, International Allied Health Professionals Day on October 14th. AHPs Day is an initiative that was started in 2018 by two clinicians in the UK to celebrate who AHPs are, what they do and why they are valuable. AHPs Day is a social movement to recognise the contribution of AHPs to patient care and population health, and a chance to get to know and celebrate the skills and achievements of all AHPs. Your union, the HSU, has written to all LHDs seeking support to celebrate AHPs Day across the diverse range of workplace HSU Allied Health members work. If you have any questions or want to make any suggestion on how to celebrate AHPs Day at your workplace, email [E-Mail not displayed].

Building the recognition of the diverse and important roles across NSW Health is only possible when we work together as a union. Encourage your workmates to join today online www.hsu.asn.au/join or phone 1300 478 679. And just in case you were wondering what constitutes an Allied Health Professional, we have included the following description from NSW Health: What is Allied Health?

According to NSW Health, the Allied Health Workforce in NSW Health is a diverse group of individual professions who work in a healthcare team in a range of settings across the lifespan. The following qualified allied health professionals are employed by NSW Health: 

  • Art therapy
  • Audiology
  • Child Life Therapy Counselling
  • Diversional Therapy Exercise Physiology
  • Genetic Counselling
  • Music Therapy
  • Nuclear Medicine Technology
  • Nutrition & Dietetics
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Orthoptics
  • Orthotics & Prosthetics Pharmacy
  • Physiotherapy
  • Podiatry
  • Psychology
  • Radiation Therapy Radiography
  • Sexual Assault
  • Social Work
  • Speech Pathology
  • Welfare