VOTE NOW! Extra PTO safety bans

  • Published June 17, 2024
  • Industries


 A lot is happening for HSU PTOs at the moment!

While fighting for a better award to improve pay, conditions and the standard of PTS, there are also various safety issues that continue to dog membership and HealthShare.

PTO delegates met last week to discuss these ongoing safety concerns, which Healthshare continues to ignore. Given the complete lack of care or response from Healthshare, delegates have proposed further safety-related bans.

These include:

  1. As of 8 July 2024, HSU PTOs will decline to utilise any vehicle in their duties that does not contain a mobile workplace first aid kit. This kit must be supplied by a suitably recognised vendor such as St John Ambulance.  
  2. From the first day shift, Monday 10 June 2024, all HSU PTOs will work for a maximum of two hours, complete the transfer of patient they have on board and then take a 20-minute fatigue break from all work activities until a reasonable, safe, and fair provision for fatigue management is included in our award. 

These bans are considered by delegates as reasonable responses to the lack of patient and PTO safety provisions within the current award. Click HERE to vote on the two proposed bans. 

Along with these, indefinite bans in place since before COVID, will continue. These are listed below and are designed to keep PTOs and patients safe.

  • No single PTOs attending home addresses.
  • No single PTOs after 18:00 or before 06:00. A reminder that PTOs are not to operate a stretcher solo.
  • No multiloading patients where there is any risk of leaving a patient alone in the vehicle.
  • Shift start time is shift start time. Any work duties, including commencement of shift checks or complex administration, will not be done before shift start time.