Urgent survey on lifting the current pay-related bans
Published May 18, 2022
This morning, members in NSWA clicked on the zoom link that had been sent out via text late yesterday only to discover the ID did not work. This is the first time the usually trusty and reliable zoom failed.
An alternative zoom link was produced and distributed via the old-fashioned word of mouth method. Amazingly, a little over 130 members and stations were able to join the stop work. Apologies to those who missed out.
The zoom stop work was to discuss the IRC recommendation that ADHSU members lift the current bans designed to win a real pay increase this year.
Based on the Ambulance Division Secretary’s recommendation, a resolution was passed with over 80% of members present in favour of pausing the bans. Most members voted that way for strategic reasons – that is, to keep fuel in the tank should the Government announce a substandard pay rise and not enough extra paramedics in this year’s budget. Most members were also of the view that the main game for ADHSU paramedics this year is professional pay.
Given many members were not able to join the stop work meeting this morning (due to the zoom glitch) and the importance that ADHSU remains democratic, it was proposed that a quick-fire survey monkey be put out to all members so they can have their say.
We promised the IRC that we would get back to NSWA early today, so on that basis this survey can only be open between now and 1300. Please take a moment to respond.
Link to IRC recommendation here
Link to survey here