Update: JHH wards temporary relocation to Maitland Hospital

On 25 July 2023, HSU representatives attended the first Consultative Committee meeting about the temporary move of 28 beds from John Hunter to Maitland Hospital.

In that meeting, the HSU demanded enough resources to make the move workable, particularly making sure there are enough staff to cover the workload. The HSU told management that staff are already stretched and taking on additional work isn’t an option.

Other issues that were raised included:

  1. Parking is already a problem at Maitland and there must be a solution put in place for increased staff on site.
  2. Union members need more information, including:
    • full staffing profiles to resource the beds once they arrive at Maitland
    • reporting lines and responsibilities (including, for example, for code blacks)
    • impacts on current staff and how they will be resourced including for kitchen staff, pharmacy, radiology, cleaners, medical, wardspersons, security, patient transport, and all other impacted classifications
    • how leave coverage will work
    • the impacts on the physical wards at the JHH.
  3. Orientation for any staff required to move between sites.
  4. How travel allowances will be applied.
  5. Identifying WHS issues within the area to be opened at Maitland.
  6. Regular meetings will be required prior to the move and after to identify and resolve issues in a timely manner.

HNELHD representatives stated that there will be sufficient resources allocated, including staff, to cover any increased or changed work. The JHH will resource the use of the 28 beds on level 5 at Maitland and Maitland staff will not be expected to do more work to cover the increased beds with current resources.

In relation to the above points HNELHD said:

  1. Parking is being looked at and plans are being considered.
  2. The information requested will be provided as soon as possible.
  3. Orientation packages have been developed during the original move to Maitland and will be amended based on feedback and experience from the original move to the New Maitland Hospital.
  4. Travel allowances will be paid in accordance with the awards and HNELHD will report back about this.
  5. A WHS walkthrough will be conducted with the union.
  6. Very regular meetings will be conducted prior to and after the move.

If you want to get involved and attend the regular meetings as an HSU representative, please contact your local organiser, Tracey Gaddelin – Maitland ([E-Mail not displayed]) or Matt Ramsay – JHH ([E-Mail not displayed]).  

Otherwise, keep an eye out for more information through newsletters and make sure to provide your feedback. Your input is essential to making sure this move works and members are not negatively impacted.