Update for Trainee Paramedics re Skills 'Uplift' Deferral

  • Published January 20, 2023
  • Industries

Trainee paramedics met this morning to discuss the ADHSU skills uplift deferral. The members in attendance endorsed the action until the NSW Government commits to paramedic professional recognition.

P1Ts returning for in-service will politely decline to participate in additional skill upgrades rolled into the regular training program. Instead, they will only participate in the skills assessments required of them to finalise their traineeship.

The new skills and responsibilities that will be deferred are:

  • Decompression of Tension Pneumothorax
  • Corpuls - members will continue to use the current LifePak 15 to ensure patient safety.
  • PEEP
  • CPAP
  • Preceptorship
  • Capnography
  • End tidal CO2
  • Any Janison modules associated with the above learning.

PETPs and Level 2s being enrolled in new Janison units that are outside their current scope of practice are to defer the completion of these units as part of this deferral action.

Those returning to in-person education sessions are encouraged to communicate with their colleagues to confirm they will decline participation in upskilling sessions. Where possible, a delegate or organiser will attend the sessions in the morning to assist members with questions or issues.

ADHSU Paramedics prioritise patient safety and outcomes, but the Service must stop taking advantage of this good will. ADHSU members will continue to provide high-quality, safe, and patient-centered care while fighting for genuine professional recognition.