Unisson’s Supported Independent Living Homes Roster Review

Your HSU representatives have been staying up to date with the current roster review at Unisson’s Supported Independent Living (SIL) homes. Unisson has responded to our questions with the following responses.

What measures are Unisson taking to mitigate adverse effects on our members?

“Unisson has taken all reasonable steps to minimise impact to its employees, with its number one priority to preserve the employment of full-time and permanent part- time employees. The purpose of Shared Independent Living Review that has been undertaken by the business is two-fold:


  1. Ensuring that our clients are receiving the correct level of support that aligns to the funding in their NDIS Plans.
  2. Ensuring that the organisation is exercising appropriate financial stewardship by aligning the house rosters to the number of support hours funded by the NDIA, which in turn supports the financial sustainability of the organisation.

Unisson is happy to report we have been able to achieve this with no job losses.”


What redeployment opportunities and training opportunities will be offered to staff?


“Unisson where possible and appropriate has provided employees with additional shifts in other business units or SIL properties.

Unisson has an extensive Learning and Development program with a large portion of the training offered targeted at our Direct Support Professional co-hort.  Staff engage in a regular program of training.  Any staff member who requires additional training due to a change of location following the SIL analysis will be provided with that training as a matter of urgency to ensure staff competence and client care.”

Unisson has stated that clients will still meet the correct level of funding as per their NDIS plans and that staff have been offered relocation & training opportunities, should they require it. Lastly, the roster review process is expected to conclude on Monday 26/06/23. If you have any concerns regarding the changes, please contact HSU Organiser Emmett Gray on 0499 919 355 or at [E-Mail not displayed].

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