Three Tree Lodge: Is a new contract required?

Recently, members at Three Tree Lodge were sent an SMS from the HSU advising them not to sign an Amendment to Contract of Employment. This was sent after members had raised concerns.

The reason for a new contract is not fully clear. All new Award payments will be passed on regardless. As your current Enterprise Agreement is well and truly out of date (2011-2014) a better option might be to negotiate a new Enterprise Agreement for any proposed changes.

The major concern with the contract is the attached letter states that the new contract “replaces any agreement or understanding Three Tree Lodge has had in the past about your employment and represents the current terms and conditions that apply to your employment with us.”

Some of the Terms and Conditions are:

  • Commencement date: set out in Schedule 1 Employment Details has a commencement date of 03/07/2023 (not your original commencement date)
  • Probationary Period: if you have already been employed at Three Tree Lodge for mor than six (6) months a probationary period should not apply (your commencement date does not indicate more than six months employment).
  • Checks: You will be responsible for obtaining and renewing both a clearance from Australian Federal Police and a NDIS Worker Screening Check.


Members are encouraged to raise any concerns you may have with the amended Contract of Employment with your manager.

If your colleagues are not yet members, now is the time to encourage them to join. New members can join at or call 1300 478 679.