Stop work zoom meeting 0700-0800 Wednesday 14 December

  • Published December 13, 2022
  • Industries

Mid-last year, ADHSU members took aggressive industrial action (including banning 2Is and below for 24 hours) in response to the government ‘offering’ below the wage cap’s maximum of 2.5%. Paramedic members also demanded a genuine road map to professional pay, including how it is implemented. 

Mr Perrottet agreed, so industrial action ceased. Paramedics then worked with the government Taskforce to genuinely develop that roadmap to true professional recognition.

At this time, we have not been able to secure a meeting with the Premier to progress the developments of the HSU/Ministry Taskforce.

Therefore, all ADHSU paramedic members are called to a stop work zoom tomorrow morning from 0700-0800. Members will receive the zoom link via text.

The stop-work meeting will vote on the best course of action to take to remind both the Government and Opposition that paramedics have played a strong part in state elections of late, and NSW will be no different.

All should attend including off duty. If you are on duty, you are only to respond to 1As, 1Bs, 1Cs, and 2Is. All other jobs will have to wait.