Southern IML: Endorsement of HSR Work Groups
Published May 28, 2021
After waiting for over three months, Southern IML has today sent the HSU a workable structure for Health and Safety Representative (HSR) Work Groups at Southern IML. The HSU has reached in principle agreement of this structure and is now seeking member endorsement. The structure is as follows:
Collectors and Rovers (North) – 2 HSRs
Collectors and Rovers (South) – 1 HSR and 1 Deputy
Laboratory (North) – 1 HSR and 1 Deputy
Laboratory (South) – 1 HSR
Couriers (North) – 1 HSR
Couriers (South) – 1 HSR
Additionally, Southern IML has proposed that elections be conducted by an HSU representative and a representative from Southern IML. Elections will be held as soon as possible so that we can focus on the important work of improving your safety at work.
Please send any feedback/concerns about the proposed structure to your HSU Organiser via email [E-Mail not displayed] by COB Tuesday 1st of June. If no feedback is received, the HSU will consider the proposal to be endorsed by the membership.